Batman: The Animated Series is a side-scrolling action game by Konami released for the Game Boy in 1993 based on the TV series of the same title. A Super NES version was also planned, but the game was ultimately released under the title The Adventures of Batman & Robin due to the show undergoing a title change between seasons.
The game is mostly episodic like the SNES version, with cutscenes in between each level to connect any story there is. The game takes place before Harvey Dent becomes Two-Face
Level 1: The Joke's on You[]
The Joker is laying out packages filed with exploding toys all across the city.
Level 2: The Chill of a Lifetime[]
Mr. Freeze and Scarecrow have teamed up to take control of the city.
Level 3: The Green Menace[]
Poison Ivy has kidnapped Harvey Dent and taken him to her greenhouse lab, and is spreading monster plants throughout Gotham. To make matters worse, Catwoman is out looking for someone to fight. Based on the episode Pretty Poison. It's also the only level that shares a boss with the SNES version.
Level 4: Bank Robbing's a Gas[]
Penguin and Riddler have teamed up to rob Gotham's banks.
Level 5: Joker's Last Laugh?[]
The Joker wants payback for his previous defeat.