Antarctic Adventure is a series of various games created by Konami that take place along antarctic environments and with protagonists that are in their majority penguins.
- Antarctic Adventure (1983)
- Penguin Adventure (1986)
- South Pole (1990)
- Yume Penguin Monogatari (1991)
- Tsurikko Penta (1991)
- Imo Hori Penta (1992)
- Balloon Penta (1993)
- Super Fisherman Penta (1995)
- Korokoro PenKai (1997)
- Hie Hie Penta: Ice Cream Catcher (2001)
- Kekkyoku Nankyoku Daibōken Taisen-ban (2003)
- Penta no Tsuri Bōken (2003)
- Gokkan Hie Hie Penta (2019)