Airforce Delta Strike, known as Airforce Delta: Blue Wing Knights in Japan and Deadly Skies III in Europe, is the third installment in the Konami Airforce Delta series. It was released in 2004 exclusively on the PlayStation 2. It plays very similarly to the previous Airforce Delta games.
The game plot occurs in a not specified time, but has futuristic, sci-fi weapons, planes and environments. When O.C.C. (Orbital Citizen Community), a space colony set on Earth's orbit, starts to attack the Earth to control it, EDAF (Earth Defense Allied Forces) launches a defensive campaign. After some time, EDAF sees itself almost with no forces to fight and decides to enlist any militia forces to help, including the bad-famed Delta Squadron. After that, the tide starts to turn and as the Earth forces advance, they find out that O.C.C. is not the major threat - an organization from Mars is planning to destroy Earth with the help of the orbital colony.
AFDS features a large selection of planes to choose from and a series of missions to play through. However, unlike the previous installments, AFDS features an all new cast of anime-style characters illustrated by Jun Tsukasa. Some can be played as and others are just for support. Each character has a unique selection of planes to fly and has a different branch of missions to complete. Completion of some missions unlocks secret missions and hidden planes for replays.
After the game is once completed, a secret hangar becomes available. As the game is completed and medals are earned, more secret planes become available.